As perhaps the best-known subscription-powered productivity suite in the world, MicroSoft’s Office 365 is a pretty well-documented program. But with new tools and feature updates being added all the time, the suite contains numerous functions and abilities many workers may not even be aware of.
For example, says the Cira Apps founder and CTO Vern Weitzman, the-little known Microsoft To Do is actually the best, easiest-to-use task-management app around.
Read Vern Weitzman on the task-management contenders.
“Cira Apps CTO and founder Vern Weitzman said that his favorite Office 365 app is “To Do”. “I have tried Asana, Trello, Todoist and a few others. Microsoft To Do app is hands down the easiest to get my thoughts into a checklist,” he said.
To-Do is an intelligent task management app that makes it easy to plan and manage your day. Microsoft To-Do delivers a smart, more personal and intuitive way to help people stay organized.”
That’s the nice thing about a SaaS subscription, as opposed to an installed, on-premise software product -- the continuous stream of new goodies and Easter eggs. If you’ve just signed on to 365 or a similar service, it’s worth taking some time to poke around and see what nifty little tools and widgets might be available to boost your workday.